Saturday 11 May 2024

Links to posts on planning for the new GCSE

If you have come here for finished resources and schemes of work, I'm sorry. I haven't got that far yet. But I am thinking it through, coming up with ideas and making decisions. Hopefully most recent posts are starting to get firmer and clearer ideas, even the tricky vocab list question. You certainly don't have to agree with me on any of these. Let me know! Ideas will have to change as reality kicks in...

From Module 1 Booklet: Cheating Translation.

Module 0 booklet for before pupils start the new GCSE textbook.

Starting to plan the shape of the course and materials to supplement coursebooks. 

Will "describe" replace "narrate"?

Vocabulary. Post to end all posts on the matter. In which I shoot the Vocabulary fairy and the kingdom is restored.

Vocabulary second attempt to hopefully get it straight: 

Vocabulary - lists, texts, resources.

Why I think preparing for Unexpected Questions is even more important than in the current GCSE. Plus a couple of ways I'm thinking of doing it. and this earlier post on the same topic

Planning the order of the course - how do topics fit with the accumulation of learning and pupils' ability to deploy it?

Using texts to model pupils' answers.

Cultural texts.

Thinking through what the new course will have to deliver.

Ideas for Dictation.

Will textbooks solve the problem of the new GCSE? In particular the vocabulary/topic problem?

The scary monster of change.

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